Youth & Families


Sunday School

Sundays at 10:00 AM
From Mid September through the second Sunday in June.

Our Sunday school programming allows children a meaningful, engaging, and age-appropriate experience with the stories of the Christian faith. We focus on building community and connecting with a God of love.

Sunday school meets during the worship service. Children can come in with their families, worship with the congregation for about 15 minutes, hear a children’s sermon, and then go downstairs with our teachers for Sunday school.

Downstairs children and their teachers gather to sing, to listen to an interactive Bible story followed by a short time of discussion, make a craft related to the bible story, and to share prayers together.

 All children are welcome!

Youth Groups and Confirmation

We nurture the faith of our middle schoolers through a youth group that we host at the church on Sundays. We do creative projects, play active games, engage in service projects, and eat lots of snacks. James Allan leads the Junior High Youth Group. Pastor Michele is organizing High School Youth to work on service projects for the spring.

This year we are excited to announce a new adventure for our traditional rite of passage: we will be partnering with the First Parish Church in Westwood. Pastor JT Hills of Westwood will join Pastor Michele in building relationships and learning what it means to be a person of faith with the confirmation class that will be for any 8-10th graders in the First Parish of Westwood and of FCC Norwood.

Vacation BiBle School

Some would call Vacation Bible School Week the most wonderful time of the year! Held primarily outside, FCCN’s bible school is open to all youth 4 years old through grade 5.

Each group meets for a time together in Warner Chapel where Pastor Michele and the talented VBS team lead the children in prayer, songs and stories. The rest of the morning is spent doing bible-based crafts, recreation games outdoors, eating snacks, acting out or listening to bible stories and performing science experiments.

Middle School & High School children are also welcome join us a group leader.

Date Announced: July 29- August 2, 2024

We will be using Cokesbury’s “Camp Firelight”

During Vacation Bible School, join first-time camp Counselor Sam and Lumen, "Lu," the lightning bug puppet, for a summer adventure at Camp Firelight by Cokesbury.

Campers accompany Counselor Sam and Lu each morning and learn to face their fears while trusting in God.

Using the Bible verse from Psalm 56:3  “Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you” as our guide, Lu, Counselor Sam and the Campers explore timeless Bible stories showing how Old and New Testament Bible figures trusted God, faced their fears, and went on to do great things in God’s name. 

$50 for non-church members and $40 for church members

Register here:


VBS 2024