About Us


Who are we & What do we believe?

First Congregational Church Norwood is a friendly, safe, inviting place to come and explore your faith.  As a congregation, we are many, trying, as best we can, to be one.

We are seekers and searchers, travelers together on our faith journeys.

We are young. We are old.

We are mostly believers and sometimes doubters.

We come from many different traditions.

We believe in the ways that Jesus preached and we consider it our responsibility to help bring about these ways, not just in the sweet bye and bye, but very much in the here and now.



Our purpose is to be a growing Christian community of faith, fellowship, and spirituality, leading through service and working for justice in our communities.



Our Open and Affirming Statement:

We of the First Congregational Church in Norwood, United Church of Christ, recognize the call of our living God to affirm the dignity of every person.  As a loving and caring faith community, we recognize that we are one body in Christ and are called to love our neighbors as ourselves.

In response to God’s call to be agents of justice, we welcome all individuals regardless of physical or mental ability, race, age, culture, family status, sexual orientation or gender identity into the full life and community of our church.

By declaring ourselves an open and affirming congregation, we celebrate the wide range of gifts found in a diverse community.

All members, officers, boards, and committees are encouraged to meet this  call in all of their actions.

Learn more about our Open and Affirming philosophy.


We are a W.I.S.E. Congregation:

(welcoming, inclusive, supportive & engaged
in the mental health of our community and the wider world.)

Our W.I.S.E. Covenant:

We, the First Congregational Church in Norwood, understand that individuals with mental health challenges, such as brain disorders, mental illnesses, substance use disorders, and trauma sometimes feel cut off from God and do not feel included. It is our calling as a community of faith to communicate to all individuals and the wider community that God loves all of us equally, regardless of our mental health status. We choose to be a WISE congregation for mental health to fully welcome, include, support, and engage all in the life, work, and leadership of our church.

Learn more about our WISE congregation here