FCC Norwood Votes to become a W.I.S.E. Congregation for Mental Health

We, the First Congregational Church in Norwood, know we are graced by the gifts, stories, and experiences of all our members, including those living with mental health challenges.* We know these challenges can profoundly disturb our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. We care about the whole person: body, heart, soul, and mind. We affirm the guidance of the Holy Spirit that brings fullness of life. We believe that everyone has the right to be seen as a person first. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself.” He made no distinction between various members of society; showing no partiality, and including all people in this commandment.  As a community that gathers in his name, we are called to do the same.

On February 5, 2023, at our 275th Annual Meeting, the congregation voted to adopt the following covenant:

We, the First Congregational Church in Norwood, understand that individuals with mental health challenges, such as brain disorders, mental illnesses, substance use disorders, and trauma sometimes feel cut off from God and do not feel included. It is our calling as a community of faith to communicate to all individuals and the wider community that God loves all of us equally, regardless of our mental health status. We choose to be a WISE congregation for mental health to fully welcome, include, support, and engage all in the life, work, and leadership of our church.

Teri McDonald